Load your Ladder...
Ensure the Ladder Transit is in the OPEN Position, by pulling the safety catch ('a' in Fig A) open while simultaneously pulling downwards on the handle ('b' in Fig A).
Take your ladder to the rear of the vehicle and lean it upright against the end roller ('c' in Fig A). Lift the ladder upwards from the bottom, until the ladder pivots on the roller and becomes horizontal.
Push the ladder firmly into the Ladder Transit maintaining continuous momentum until the Ladder Transit collapses shut onto the ladder.
Visually confirm that the safety catch has latched under the latch plate (as shown in Fig B).
UN-Load your Ladder...
Remove the ladder by pulling the safety catch ('a' in Fig A above) open while simultaneously pulling downwards on the handle ('b' in Fig A above).
The ladder will be ejected a short way. Take hold of the feet of the ladder and pull it all the way out of the Ladder Transit.